<p> Amazon直接预订改编自Robert Jordan小说的诗史奇幻剧《时光之轮 The Wheel of Time》,剧集版由Rafe Judkins负责制片。《时光之轮》小说系列共有14部+一部前传(后3部因作者Robert Jordan逝世,改由Brandon Sanderson接手),剧集讲述在一个魔法世界里,只有女性能使用一种被称为两极力的力量,而她们被称为两仪师。<br/…
<p> 6500万年前,一颗小行星与地球擦肩而过,称霸这个世界的恐龙懵懵懂懂地逃过了灭顶之灾。之后又过了数百万年,恐龙的智力得到进化,它们学会种植、畜牧、建筑,并且拥有属于自己的语言和家庭。某座山脚下的平原地带,雷龙一家迎来三个性格各异的娃娃,最小的阿洛(雷蒙德·奥乔亚 Ray mond Ochoa 配音)孱弱胆怯,与父亲的生离死别…
Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; the…
THE AMERICAN MEME follows the journeys of four shocking social media disruptors, Paris Hilton (@parishilton), Josh Ostrovsky (@thefatjewish), Brittany Furlan (@brittanyfurlan) and Kirill Bichutsky (@slutwhisperer), as they hustle to crea…