- 007(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)屡立战功,这次,他运用一系列新奇而惊人的武器,竟然单枪匹马就除掉了敌人的一支军队。由于007的出色表现,他获得难得的一个长假期。然而正在此时,魔鬼党却将军队的两枚重要的飞弹却被偷走,英国情报部无奈之下只好将正在炮温泉的邦德召了回来。经过调查,邦德发现这次计划的幕后首脑是狂人拉尔果(克劳斯…
- A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of guilty due to insanity, he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel imprisonment in the asylum.
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 随着科技的发展,人类发明了能侦察人的脑电波的“聪明”的机器人――“先知”。“先知”能侦察出人的犯罪企图,所以在罪犯犯罪之前,就已经被犯罪预防组织的警察逮捕并获刑。<br/>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 乔恩(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)就是犯罪预防组织的一…