- 一家小公司的职员们发现自己被困在办公室里永无尽头的一周循环之内,为了让关键人物部长意识到这一事实并打破循环,他们要使出浑身解数。时间循环的电影早已屡见不鲜,而能够想出“职场时间循环”这样令人惊恐又喷饭题材的,恐怕只有日本了。除了天马行空、笑料十足的精彩剧情外,本片最大亮点就是对职场及打工人真实的刻画,各种熟悉又似曾相识…
- A beautiful young woman in the South of France is stalked by, then raped by, a mysterious masked assailant. She shoots him dead soon afterwards and dumps his corpse in the sea. Later, an American investigator turns up, and to her horror he seems to know everything about what she has done......