- 昔日人气歌手向东南(陈学冬 饰)一朝落魄,潦倒之际接到真人秀邀约重返高中担任音乐老师,遇上严谨认真武力值爆表的英语老师苏淇(张佳宁 饰),班主任之争一触即发,三观不合的他们如何求同存异?神秘教导主任苏慢(张俪 饰)的出现又会给他们的校园生活带来哪些挑战?作为向东南最强助理的林声(王瑞昌 饰),是否能让向东南的事业触底反弹?…
- When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate. With the police investigation drawing blank after blank, Ritchie decides to take the law into his own hands and bring his old school justice back to the streets of East Londo…