- In 2014, director Richard linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows t…
- 60年代末的美国,伴随着战争的残酷与遥远以至似乎不可相信的登月壮举,年轻人们寻找着自身与世界的呼应。在纽约州白湖临近的小镇上,犹太青年艾略特(Demetri Martin 饰)为了照顾吝啬的母亲,放弃纽约的设计师工作回家帮忙打理汽车旅馆的生意,为了改善举步维艰的经营,艾略特借自己当地商会会长的便利,筹备举办例行的音乐节活动。与此同时,…
- It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of th…
- <p> 《博基亚家族》讲述意大利博基亚家族在欧洲大陆呼风唤雨的故事,背景设定在 1492年。Jeremy Irons扮演教皇亚历山大六世。该剧用来接替本季大结局的《都铎王朝》(The Tudors),2011年春季播出。演员信息: Jeremy Podeswa加盟Showtime新剧《博基亚家族》(The Borgias)。<br/> 该剧讲述文艺复兴时期…