Three sisters aged between seven and 15, who live alone as their mother vanishes for whole swathes of time, and when social services demand a family meeting, the eldest sister, Laura, plans to find a stand-in for their mother.
<p> 大家一定还记得2002年斯导给大家带来的《兄弟连》(Band of brothers),国内的美剧迷也因此而迅速扩充。时隔三年,斯导带领麾下的梦工场与TNT电视网合作,再度推出西部史诗巨作《Into the west》(《西部风云》)<br/> 不同于以往传统的西部片只从白人殖民者的视角来刻画西部的开拓史,从《辛德勒名单》开始一直追求客观…
<p> Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl.<br/> Kongpope和Diew是同父异母的兄弟。起初,他们相处得很好,但当他们爱上同一个女孩时,他们之间的竞争就会加剧。</p>