Several years after a deadly struggle with her serial killer aunt, Jordan works to escape her troubled history. But when her aunt's revenge-seeking specter surfaces to join forces with a deranged convict, Jordan must return to the haunte…
1982年冬天,挪威科考队的一架直升机突然打破了南极大陆的平静,直升机疯狂的追逐一只雪橇犬,最后坠毁在美国科考营地的附近。美国科考队员对挪威考察队近期人员骤减的情况有所耳闻,于是飞行员麦克(Kurt Russell 饰)与众人赶赴挪威营地,结果看到的是一地破败中四处散落着奇怪的尸体,并有证据表明挪威人得到了某种冰封状态中的生物。医生布…
<p> Jack's mother is taken from him, but her garden leaves more to remember her by than he first thought. Then, three teens meet their favorite pop star and realize she's not at all what they…