- <p> 荣获金球奖最佳戏剧类电视剧集!<br/> 荣获艾美奖最佳戏剧类影集选角!<br/> 萤幕演员公会最佳戏剧类电视剧集!<br/> 故事延续第三季精采的剧情。西雅图恩典医院因为这些实习医生之间的爱恨情仇,变得更加热闹更有可看性!<br/> 第三季中格蕾终於摆脱了德瑞克和兽医间的三角恋情,依自己的心…
- The staff tries to deal with physical and emotional trauma in the wake of the deadly rampage.
- The fifth-year residents return for the first day of a year that will make or break their careers: Meredith faces the consequences of tampering with Derek's clinical trial and is terminated at the hospital; April tries to step up to the …
- 你听过一个有关警察、歌手、神经病和黑手党公主的故事吗?《猛禽小队和哈莉·奎茵》是一个只有哈莉·奎茵本人才能讲出来的超乎寻常的奇妙传奇。哥谭市最为凶残自大的恶棍罗曼·赛恩尼斯和他狂热的手下萨斯为了寻找一个年轻女孩卡斯,将这座城市翻了个底朝天。哈莉、女猎手、黑金丝雀和蕾妮·蒙托亚不期而遇,看似违和的四人组不得不团结一致、携…