PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challe…
《王冠 The Crown》制片公司Left Bank Pictures为Netflix制作另一部新剧《她的双眼背后 Behind Her Eyes》,这部剧集改编自Sarah Pinborough的同名惊悚小说,6集改编剧现已开机拍摄拍摄。 《她的双眼背后》女主角Louise是位单亲母亲兼秘书,某夜她在酒吧认识并亲吻了名年轻的男子David,但后来Louise发现对方竟是自己的新上司;同…
<p> 在《生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory》中饰演伴侣Sheldon/Amy的Jim Parsons及Mayim Bialik联手为FOX开发多镜头喜剧《叫我凯特 Call Me Kat》(前名《Carla》),这部剧改编自英剧《米兰达 Miranda》。<br/> 《叫我凯特》已经被直接预订并定于2020年秋档首播,Darlene Hunt负责剧本的美版主角Kat(Ma…