<p> 斯大林格勒战役中,瓦西里(裘德•洛 Jude Law 饰)是一个威震部队的神枪手。他的好枪法百发百中,令敌人闻风丧胆。<br/> 为了激励士气,树立榜样,瓦西里的战友——苏军文宣部军官丹尼洛夫(约瑟夫•费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)在报纸上大量刊登瓦西里的英雄事迹,令瓦西里的形象更为高大。然而,坦妮娅(雷切尔•薇姿 …
<p> 故事发生在1946年的波兰,美国大兵诺曼(斯科特·威尔森 Scott Wilson 饰)邂逅了波兰寡妇艾米莉亚(玛雅·歌摩劳斯嘉 Maja Komorowska 饰),在动荡的时代大背景下,两颗孤独的心越走越近。虽然两人语言不通,但是通过眼神,通过动作,他们知道对方都深深的坠入了爱河之中。<br/> 然而,艾米莉亚却并不能离开波兰…
In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea.
A team-building conference for municipal employees which turns into a nightmare when accusations of corruption begin to circulate and plague the work environment. At the same time, a mysterious figure begins murdering the participants.