- Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James. Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as…
- 命运,它会让你出乎意料,让你开心,展现你的长处,或是摧毁你的自信心,揭露你的过错,让你质疑自己,命运是个混蛋,但我们其中少数的幸运儿能够掌控自己的命运,将其导向善良、公平、正义。 第三季,机械之声将继续寻找六件上古神器中剩下的两件,并与五色龙议会展开最终决战。他们能否打破命运束缚,拯救王国?
- In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return to his struggling hometown of Caswell to find the killers. As his investigation picks up intensity, the grieving mother begin…