After the mayor of an idyllic island village discovers a child with mysterious powers awash on their shores, the once peaceful community devolves into civil war, torn over the belief that the child is the next saviour.
In the special, Tomlinson talks about having your dream job, finding your perfect partner, dealing with anxiety and insomnia all while asking the age-old question…can you really Have It All?
Neolution组织正在将科学的界限推往遥远未知的边界,但其代价会是什么呢?神秘人P T Westmorland是这一切的关键,可能已经170 岁的他即将将他的项目带入险恶的结局。对于Sarah和她的姐妹们来说,这是一场毁灭的开始,并且不仅仅是对她们,而是针对整个人类的未来。她们最终能否揭开这个毒瘤的核心秘密?