<p> 自从妻子死后,弗雷德(东尼·卡斯 Ton Kas 饰)一直过着独居的寂寞生活,每天的作息时间几乎分秒不差,他本人则像被上了发条的机器人那样,对生活燃不起丝毫的热情与兴趣。就是这样一个人,在某一天,他与名叫席欧(雷内·凡特·霍夫 René van 't Hof 饰)的流浪汉相遇了,在阴差阳错之中,这个满脑子奇思妙想总是不按常理出牌的…
Former secret agent Robert Elliot (Coburn) will be promoted to government advisor. In order to make sure no-one will ever know about his dirty past, he has invented a very ingenious plan to get rid of his four helpers: he gets them all t…