搜索 Zu

  •   伊恩是一名少年,与父亲住在郊区,利用特殊能力对毫无戒心的受害者产生视觉幻觉,进行一些小骗局。当他的能力在公共场合失控时,事情变得复杂起来。
  • <p>  Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announc ed, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They…
  •   Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these …
  •   1965年,印尼政府被军政府推翻,那些反对军事独裁的人都被认定为“共产党人”,并遭遇了血腥屠杀,一年之内,就有超过100万“共产党人”丧命,其中就包括农民还有一些当地的华人。本片的主角Anwar Congo和他的朋友们就参与了当年的屠杀活动,他如今是印尼最大的准军事组织Pemuda Pancasila的元老人物。Anwar和他的朋友接受导演的邀请,…
  • 在饱受战争蹂躏的非洲乡村,一名美国士兵和一名法国医生,在外星人的袭击中幸存下来。当他们在战场上寻找避难所时,士兵却忘记了他的真实身份,他们组成联合小队,这是人类应对外星人毁灭性入侵的最后一战。
  •   Since 2014, in France, Restorative Justice has offered victims and perpetrators of offences the opportunity to dialogue through secure systems, supervised by professionals and volunteers such as Judith, Fanny or Michel. Nassim, Issa, and…
  •   18世纪,一对印度夫妇,妻子在丈夫的鼓励下,与当时妇女地位低下的社会偏见作斗争,努力学习和成长,成为印度第一位女医生的真实故事。
  • 意大利米兰的瑞奇家族靠纺织业致富,在家长的寿宴上,爷爷将企业传给了儿子坦科雷德(加布里埃尔.费泽蒂 Gabriele Ferzetti 饰)和孙子爱德瓦多(弗拉维奥·帕伦蒂 Flavio Parenti 饰)。坦科雷德的俄国妻子艾玛(蒂尔达·斯维顿 Tilda Swin ton 饰)酷爱烹饪。在结识了儿子爱德瓦多的厨师朋友安东尼奥(爱德瓦多·加布瑞尔利尼 Edoardo…
  •   A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of his friends. One day, sounds were he…
  • 公元794年,日本桓武天皇时期,京都长冈被其胞弟早良亲王怨灵诅咒,天灾人祸不断。桓武天皇被迫迁都平安京,由此开启四百年平安时代序幕。彼时权贵内部斗争激烈,人民生活疾苦,世间因此怨灵丛生,人、鬼与怪物屏息同栖。隶属于宫廷阴阳寮的阴阳师们,作为平衡天、地、人、鬼间矛盾的存在,自此活跃在历史舞台上,其中最为耀眼的便是身世成谜的…