搜索 Zo

  •   horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world
  •   一位落魄的原百老汇制片人跟一个“高级经济师”联手,吸引风险投资来排戏,以及如何搞砸这部叫《希特勒的春天》的戏,好让投资都进他们两个人的腰包。未曾想,那部“大话希特勒”版的闹剧大受欢迎,他们的计划也因此暴露,双双上了法庭。
  • 拉美西斯大帝旗下的一个士兵,把卡默斯的爹娘赶出了他们的家园。卡默斯决定对这个不公平的事件展开抗争。於是他出发前往埃及的首都底比斯,想到土地司去调查这件事情。然而进入土地司之前,必须先经历过一番锻鍊;卡默斯下定决心要克服一切的阻碍。因缘际会之下,他遇到了一位名唤诺菲的女孩,疯狂地陷入热恋,并且获得了她的支持,准备一起携手…
  •   在关于爱情、失去和渴望的三个故事中,孤独的灵魂在大城市忙碌的生活中找到了意想不到的情感共鸣和陪伴
  • The Biblical story of Salome, a girl who agrees to perform the dance of the seven veils in return for John the Baptist's head on a silver platter.
  •   Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old man who refuses to leave. Herzog catches the eeriness of an abandoned city, with s…
  •   二战中,一队被俘苏军坦克驾驶员被逼迫当德军的靶场活靶,驾驶T-34坦克,任德军反坦克炮轰击。一组机车员冲破德军阵地,单枪匹马杀入德国腹地......
  •   十七岁的马丁(Walter Quiroz 饰)在家乡火地岛上日日过着乏味的生活,他对陈腐破败的学校毫无兴趣,和继父的关系又紧张,唯一给他希望的,是亲生父亲创作给他的连环画,画中记录着拉美大陆种种神奇的景象。马丁的女友意外怀孕,但迫于家长压力要打掉孩子并与马丁分手,愤怒的马丁丧失了留在家乡的最后理由,他收拾行装,踏上拉美大陆,开始…
  • In this sci-fi chiller, a young woman's peace is shattered when she begins hearing loud screams in her head. They are the agonized wailings of an astronaut deliberately marooned upon the moon by a double-crossing experimenter. Soon the woman becomes possessed by the astronaut.
  • Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David ca…