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  • 24岁的杰克(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)获得假释出狱,负责接管他的特里(彼得·穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)为他安排了新名字新房子新工作,于是他用“杰克”这个名字开始了新生活。在新的工作环境中,杰克认识了新朋友克里斯(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰),也结交了一个女朋友米歇尔(凯蒂·里昂丝 Katie Lyons 饰),…
  •   Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, another friend thinking of moving to Vienna, they wander around and talk. An insomniac’s …
  • <p>  Last at the Festival with 2017’s rural noir Dark River, a selection in the Platform programme, writer-director Clio Barnard returns to the Bradford, West Yorkshire setting of her earlier films for this tumultuous, fiercely affe…
  •   When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim h…
  •   Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the birth of a new culinary genius.
  •   爱丽丝在位于苏黎世郊区的呼叫中心工作,专门推销网络服务和保险产品。年轻的爱丽丝利用巧妙的话术,打电话给孤独的陌生老年人,装作是她们的孙女,并告诉她们自己急需用钱。就这样,爱丽丝从中赚来一笔不少的钱,然而她并不知道,从银行职员、警察到擦肩而过的陌生人,无数当地人的生活因为爱丽丝的行为发生了改变。
  •   弗朗索瓦·森蒂内尔有双重身份。白天,他是留尼旺岛最出名的警察,以其强硬的手段和花衬衫而闻名,总是开着他那著名的黄色越野车追捕罪犯。但在其他时间,森蒂内尔也是一个有魅力的歌手。
  •   When New York restaurateur, Caroline Wilson inherits a café in Lemon Myrtle Cove, Australia, she begins to fall in love with the place and its people, in particular, the cafe's charming local chef, Simon Cook.
  • 德國的悠悠夏日,烏克蘭的難民孩子們,落腳在過去納粹德軍的舊軍營,他們修理單車、學習德語、編織花冠,在道路凸起的邊緣用粉筆寫著「普丁別再濫殺人民」;砲彈攻擊、防空避難、宵禁成為孩子和父母的日常對話,軍營裡遺留的二戰軍事繪畫,被孩子們解讀為當下的俄烏戰事,同樣的歷史重複上演,一代代的孩子仍那麼稚嫩天真。
  • 迫切希望三个儿子结婚的母亲承诺:谁第一个结婚,就把房子给谁。于是,一场结婚竞赛随即展开。