搜索 YU

  • 普通上班族张小美已经失眠了十天了,她既没有任何伤心事,也不受感情的困扰,事件的起因其实挺无聊的,全部源于一部始终没看到结局的电影。当下有一部全城热门的互动电影,讲的是一个小丑寻找宝藏的故事。不过观众每个人手中都有一个选择控制器,小丑寻宝中会遇到各种各样的难关,而观众可以帮他做出决定,一旦决定做错的话就没法看到电影的结局…
  • yle=color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84); f>待就业的灿盛迷恋上一个住在同一小区的女子,在她身上感受到了同龄女人身上感受不到的怦然心动,随着不断地交往,他们一天也渐渐敞开心扉,并承诺在和自己交往期间,绝不跟其他女人有交集,灿盛还会搬到她家住处,开始着幸福同居生活一个月后,两人的感情从热恋到不舒服,灿盛更是迷恋上室另外一个女人,而灿…
  • クラスメイトの美和子となおみは仲良しレズビアンだ。二人は密かに全裸で抱き合い、お互いを愛撫しあって禁断の陶酔にひたっていた。美和子はバージンだが、”バイ”のなおみは一平というボーイフレンドがいる。  ある日、生理のないなおみは、妊娠したと思い一平に詰め寄るがまったく取り合ってくれない。そんな二人を美和子は嫉妬の眼で見つ…
  • 加兰是国际杀手组织的一员,他们与世界上最危险的杀手签约,但却发现他们是被追捕的人。
  • Foal and his friend John go on an unforgettable journey as they outsmart the tyrant King, catch the fire-bird and find John's true love upon the magic roads.
  • 12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient ali…
  • 7 years ago, an aspiring actress Suyeon came to Seoul after losing touch with her family, and is barely surviving by playing minor roles and chores in a small troupe. Then one day, Suyeon receives a call from Tongyeong and goes down there.
  • yle=color: rgb(85, 85, 85); f>日本浅尾政行执导的SM情欲片;一个公司的总裁的对头为了陷害他,将他的妻子和女儿绑架,百般凌虐后将带上面具的她们放在总裁乘坐的客车上,在和两个女人做完爱后,解开面具,总裁才发现和他做爱的原来是他的女儿,与他同来的老板对应的是自己的妻子,在他目瞪口呆的表情下片子结束。 解析:硬核导演的影像特征在…
  • Jane is a Korean-American. She is staying at her father's friend's house for a few months while she prepares a chain of massage shops in Korea. However, instead of working on her massage shops, all she's doing is selling sex toys on an Internet broadcasting station. Her boyfriend Tae-in doesn't like what she's doing an…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>总是看着醉醺醺的老公,过着孤独的生活的尚熙..只能看着视频里的主人公民基来自慰,有一天,尚熙偶然地找了朋友美妍介绍的男人刘易斯,尚熙的生活从此变得天翻地覆,看着尚熙举止怪异,总是说些奇怪的话,丈夫东锡开始担心尚熙,而尚熙却沉浸在一场场刺激感官的春梦里...