搜索 YU

  •   一群青少年聚集在一起,试图解决镇上一系列奇怪的超自然事件,这些事件似乎围绕着他们朋友正在出现的神秘能力。
  •   Lera is a sociology student at a small-town university. Her mother is a sleepwalker who believes in miracles, and her father just left the family for another woman. Lera has no idea how to make her life better. And one more thing: a spir…
  • yle=color: rgb(85, 85, 85); f>曾经是着名剧作家的俊熙(金英浩 饰)已经沉寂了7年之久,这期间,他的日子过得即郁闷又苦逼。在朋友的建议下,他决定通过谈恋爱的方式来重新激发起自己的创作欲望,然而,恋爱是双人运动,他那如花似玉的女学生成了首当其冲的人选。同时,厨师熙淑(金慧善 饰)也陷入了职业生涯的低谷期,不但对一直都热爱着的…
  •   A mother's dying warning fails to keep her estranged children away from the homestead. Siblings Hari and Eka return to find that their mother's reputation as a witch precedes her. based on rumors of seasonal suicides by hanging in rural …
  • Thang Máy là câu chuyện kỳ bí xảy ra với những cô gái trẻ khi đi Thang Máy một mình. Mọi chuyện bắt đầu khi Jina đột nhiên mất tích sau khi livestream trong thang máy. Sự cố này gây ra nỗi sợ hãi tâm lý trong tâm trí Trang đến …
  •   Aump饰演的Bright是一个多金的单身女青年,还有着写博客的文艺爱好,她自以为不需要爱情也可以过得很好。直到有一天算命师告诉她,是前男友们的痛苦阻止了真爱的到来,于是她开始帮助旧爱们,直到遇到了Pae饰演的Kem…
  • Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard car…
  •   Unhappy in his job and unlucky in love, Joko reunites with a childhood friend and gets the spark of hope he needs to win back his ex-girlfriend.
  • 角色介绍摄影师Wine(Tina)和发小兼日料厨师P(Nan)住在一起, 一直忘不了大学里的初恋,P看着她痛苦,对爱情有了抵触情绪.Pim(Pekae)是Wine的初恋,因为社会和家庭拒绝了Wine,和男生交往,但仍忘不掉初恋,搬进了闺蜜Fah的公寓; Fah曾经暗恋过学姐Wine, 但当遇到P,新的感情出现了.