After being betrayed by his colleague, Mix, a talented young architect starts working in a new company. Soon after, a Christmas outing is organized, but he cannot go because he has not yet completed a work. Then, he meets Bell, an intern…
<p> 大人气的治愈系动画《水星领航员》第三季TV动画《ARIA The ORIGINATION》终于决定要在08年1月7日开始进行正式播出了。原作的《水星》漫画是天野梢一直在《COMIC BLADE》(mag-garden)上进行连载。单行本现在已经发行到第11卷,累计销量突破了360万部。<br/> 《ARIA The ORIGINATION》讲的是以…
April 1940. The eyes of the world are on Narvik, a small town in northern Norway, source of the iron ore needed for Hiter's war machinery. Through two months of fierce winter warfare, Hitler is dealt his first defeat.