搜索 Vladimír

  •   Following on from the impressive Drift with its hypnotic transatlantic sequences reminiscent of Michael Snow, Helena Wittmann’s second feature is set in the Mediterranean Sea. The heroine navigates along the route of the French Foreign …
  • 故事发生在1941年,纳粹占领了乌克兰,对生活在那里的犹太人进行了惨无人道的清洗。年仅6岁的安娜(玛塔·科兹洛娃 Marta Kozlova 饰)虽然在这场暴行中失去了双亲,但自己却奇迹般的活了下来,她躲在纳粹指挥官办公室废弃的壁炉烟道里,不知道何时才能够重见天日。  在担惊受怕的这些日子里,安娜白天小心的将自己隐藏起来,静静等待夜幕降临…
  •   Brief Meetings is about a love triangle between three very different people. Nadia, a country girl, falls in love with Maskim, a roaming guitar playing geologist, and in her search for him she ends up working for Valentina, his long-dist…
  •   A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of his friends. One day, sounds were he…
  •   "The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being rescued.
  •   2014 年,俄罗斯首度入侵乌克兰,某日深夜,基辅的外科医生亚历山大接到一通电话,告知他的儿子已加入军队并被当地分离主义者所俘虏。为了解救心爱的儿子,亚历山大必须前往前线支付赎金,正规军将派狙击手暗中随行,此趟将是一场有去无回的任务!
  •   История о подвиге лётчиков 1-го минно-торпедного авиационного полка ВВС Балтийского флота во главе с полковником Преображенским. У них была сложнейшая боевая задача – нан…
  • 社工蒂塔的家里住着太多边缘人:女友的两个女儿,一个人小鬼大满腹疑问,一个叛逆少女对世界愤恨;室友东尼在交友软件不停寻找下任,这次钓上的小鲜肉还算亲切诚恳;还有三两成群的离家女同志们,整天吵吵闹闹也勉强凑成一家人。直到女友诊断出癌症,蒂塔被迫负起母亲的责任,不仅为了收养得 跟东尼假结婚,还得对外人掩盖家中混居的复杂身份,…
  • Brief Meetings is about a love triangle between three very different people. Nadia, a country girl, falls in love with Maskim, a roaming guitar playing geologist, and in her search for him she ends up working for Valentina, his long-distance, bureaucrat wife. Nadia begins to work as a maid for Valentina, but as they sp…
  • 阴险的富豪安东尼·莱文雇佣了前军官大卫·盖拉去营救被游击队首领哈维尔·马丁内斯绑架的妻子瓦伦蒂娜。大卫在找到瓦伦蒂娜才知道,瓦伦蒂娜与哈维尔原为一对心心相印的恋人,因为安东尼的巧取豪夺而分离。大卫决定帮助瓦伦蒂娜与哈维尔,让他们脱离安东尼远走高飞,事件的进展却并不如想像中的那般顺利。