搜索 Vitori

  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military …
  • Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to pursue music together.
  •   1940年5月,下士雷恩斯(丹尼·戴尔 Danny Dyer 饰)和他的三个战友在向敦刻尔克撤退的途中,被一名长官要求参与阻击德国军队,雷恩斯违抗命令,被关入军事监狱。在海军情报处,少校琼斯(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)接到一项高度机密的任务:当时德国的雷达技术领先于欧洲各国,遍布大西洋沿岸的雷达站形成了一张无形的网,琼斯受命组建一支特…
  •   一名男子在头部受到撞击后醒来,却发现自己不仅身处1927 年,还跟臭名昭著的强盗头子长得一模一样,于是决定好好利用这个机会。
  •   非洲安哥拉共和國,一個家族三代女性,過去與現在交織的故事。納由拉為了尋找失蹤的丈夫深入戰場後失去音訊,留下女兒雅拉和祖母相依為命。數十年後,失去母親的雅拉長大成了一位叛逆的青少女,用饒舌歌抒發對社會的反叛與憤怒。某天晚上,一位戴著面具、手拿大刀的人入侵了她們家,這個突如其來的神秘入侵者,為原本平靜的生活起了漣漪。
  • 考古学家阿拉巴马钱宁被一位神秘的亿万富翁招募来帮助找到一件古老的中国遗物。她的母亲在她失踪之前寻找的同一块宝藏。
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> A group of millennial friends run a popular travel vlog that helps fund their adventures. Paige, the leader of the group, recently brought her younger sister Lindsey into the fold. Lindsey and another group m…