搜索 Vedenskaya

  •   An ex soldier comes to visit a military friend and finds trouble right away. It all starts with a rape of a girl by the local thugs in the town. He must use his fighting skills to defeat the thugs.
  •   An ex soldier comes to visit a military friend and finds trouble right away. It all starts with a rape of a girl by the local thugs in the town. He must use his fighting skills to defeat the thugs.
  • 本电视剧名为Кремень,本条目为第一季。而Кремень. Освобождение (2012)实质上是Кремень第二季。 実際に戦闘術を身に着け、あらゆる銃火器のエキスパートでもあるウラジミール・エピファンチェフ主演によるアクション。戦友との再会を求めて、うらぶれた街を訪れたシャマノフ。よそ者を異常に警戒する警察は…