搜索 Usta

  • 卡拉马利联盟是一个寓言的电影,讲述了16人所有的人被称为弗兰克(灵感来自弗兰克Armoton)寻找一个叫Eira的理想国的故事。
  •   僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等待着一车人寻找阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他已经失去了对上帝的信仰,也无法忘记曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古学生卡尔,新时代的威尔伯和克拉利斯·莱明,离家出走的劳里,游客杜佐斯和弗罗斯特在墨西哥巴士旅行期间担任导游。更令奥沙利文惊讶的是,当他…
  •   在城市入睡的每个夜晚,巴基思坦移民Ahmad努力拖着他沉重的小车沿着纽约街道前往曼哈顿商业区的街角。每天早晨,从小车里取出咖啡和油炸圈饼卖给这个他不能够称之为属于自己的城市。他是那种可以在每个城市,每个街角都能看到的劳动者,他是个疑惑是否要一直逃避自己命运的人
  •   In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squa…
  •   Cowboy James Franciscus seeks fame and fortune by capturing a Tyrannosaurus Rex living in the Forbidden Valley and putting it in a Mexican circus. His victim, called the Gwangi, turns out to have an aversion to being shown in public. Ano…
  • 冬雪纷飞的安纳托利亚山区,一所与世隔绝的男子寄宿学校座落其中。某日夜里,男孩们在淋浴间过度嬉闹,遭到教官严厉处罚,被迫在零下30度的低温中洗冷水澡。隔天,尤素夫竟发现同房好友开始严重呕吐,陷入昏迷。他赶忙通报师长,却只见大人们不断互踢皮球。随著时间分秒流逝,下山之路的积雪越发深厚,他望著奄奄一息的好友,理智也面临崩溃边缘…
  •   After his son witnesses a brutal murder by a notorious crime boss, a deaf Indonesian gangster is thrust into the fight of his life when he takes on his dangerous former allies, including a sociopath assassin, in order to protect his chil…
  •   Following on from the impressive Drift with its hypnotic transatlantic sequences reminiscent of Michael Snow, Helena Wittmann’s second feature is set in the Mediterranean Sea. The heroine navigates along the route of the French Foreign …
  • 华特(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)是目无王法的纨绔子弟,因为杀害了一名黑人学生而被沙夫特(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)捉拿归案。无奈华特的家里有权有势,仅仅略施小计就令华特无罪释放。然而,重获自由的华特却并不懂得珍惜,他对让自己丢了面子的沙夫特恨之入骨,发誓一定要除之而后快。  沙夫特因为坚守内心里的…
  • 根据一对父子的真实故事改编,他们在阿巴拉契亚小径的徒步旅行中修复了破裂的关系,寻找他们心爱的迷路狗。