- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 家境贫寒的男孩Ali(Amir Farrokh Hashemian)帮妹妹Zahra(Bahare Seddiqi)取修补好的鞋子时,不慎将鞋子弄丢,为了不被父(Mohammad Amir Naji)、母(Fereshte Sarabandi )责罚,他央求Zahra暂时保密,说两人可以替换着穿他的鞋子上学,并答应一定会帮她买双新鞋子。<br/>…
- 故事发生在1412年的法国,贞德(莉莉·索博斯基 Leelee Sobieski 饰)出生了,此时正值英法百年战争,勃艮第公爵(杰姆·沃尔福特 Jaimz Woolvett 饰)叛变,法国节节败退,在这样动荡的局势里,贞德渐渐长大了。 贞德的童年是在对上帝的虔诚中度过的,她总会听到一些奇怪的声音或看到奇怪的画面,她将这些理解为神迹,上帝在引导她拿起武器…
- A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to an end so the band hires a world renowned cellist in order to save the band. The media goes wild and money starts to flow…