搜索 Ura

  • When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business
  • Phil enjoys watching his wife Diane using her killer looks to seduce men they don't know. Diane is also thrilled by her actions, knowing that she's fulfilling her husband's voyeuristic pleasures. When she meets Mickey, she discovers that he is a man who follows no rules but his own. The games of seduction become more a…
  • This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. And here she finds not only a great opportunity for her career, but also a new love with another girl, Anna. They two are very different one poor, the other one is rich, one of them writes music and sings, the other …
  • 敬子琼斯,一个生活在纽约东河边古怪的日本老女人,一天在浇花的时候,她却突然发现自己的手居然有着“治愈”的力量。她遇到了一个生了重病的小男孩,于是决定用自己治愈的力量去帮助他,与此同时,敬子埋没已久的记忆也被重新唤醒……
  • Martin, an aging man, is abandoned in a psychiatric hospital, where a pharmaceutical business is conducting illegal drug tests. His granddaughter, Ana, discovers that her own father is directly involved and takes action into her own hands. As Ana and Martin run away to grant him his last wish, they must fight for their…
  • 曼谷,是一个大都市,也是一座不夜城。城市的中心泰尼亚路是一片红灯区,这里的路边随处可见一些日本男人。露克是红灯区的头牌之一。她一个人独自住在曼谷的豪华公寓中,用在这边挣到的钱,负担起她远在老挝边境的原生大家庭。一天,露克偶遇了她在五年前爱上过的男人,她曾经的一个日本客人,小泽。小泽是一名从日本自卫队退伍的士兵,他生活在…
  • 本剧是NBC颇具震撼力的电视迷你短剧《10.5》(地动天惊)的续集和终结篇。在上一集中,强烈的地壳运动所引发的10.5级恐怖地震毁灭了美国西海岸,改变了地核结构,直接威胁到到北美甚至整个西半球,造成了一系列连锁灾害:夏威夷被海啸吞没,胡佛被摧毁,洛杉矶沉没……《10.5 Apocalypse》(毁灭之日)的视觉效果达到了同类迷你剧中的高水准。 …
  • 由瓦尔丹·托兹加编剧执导,主要讲述年轻人在犯罪道路上的经历。在一个由权力决定公平的国度,主人公菲利浦生活在青少年收养中心,在一个腐败警察的胁迫下,他被迫参与了一次可怕的案件,因而产生无法痊愈的心理创伤。尽管菲利浦拥有其老师的帮助、收养中心的照料、朋友佩塔尔的安慰,他最终还是未能战胜那次案件后的心理创伤带给他的痛苦。痛苦…
  • 巴娅(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一名右翼人士,在当今的政坛上十分的活跃。她传播思想的方式非常独特——但凡跟她有过床笫之欢的右翼男士们,都纷纷投入到了左翼的阵营之中。从小就生活在多元而宽松的家庭氛围之中的巴娅自幼便是开放而又火热的性格,对待感情和性十分开放,这和保守又刻板的亚瑟(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Ga…
  • 在20世纪90年代的乌克兰,一个绰号“犀牛”的年轻人从一个小偷开始,很快在犯罪集团中步步高升。犀牛只知道权力和残酷,但没有什么可失去的了,他最终能找到救赎的机会吗?