- Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in Black Sea. He earns his life breeding a few animals, while looking for a mineral reserve on the mountains but his pursuit is seen as useless by his family. Destroyed in search of a mineral reserve, his hope is renewed with the news of a competition.
- 寺内一(小池彻平饰)来到拥有完全记忆能力的准教授高槻彰良(伊野尾慧饰)、能识破人类谎言的大学生深町尚哉(神宫寺勇太饰)身边。他希望调查一下母亲是否被公交车坠落事故中幸存下来的“奥多摩奇迹少女”欺骗了。虽然对一的言行感到奇怪,但高槻一行人还是和生方瑠衣子(冈田结实饰)一起开始了调查。前往事故现场,他们遇到了目击者镰田…
- Sébastien Nicolas总是梦想着成为其他人,不过他一直没有机会付诸行动。直到有一天,他开始观察、研究并模仿他遇见的那些人,并融入了那些人的生活中。Sébastien Nicolas的梦想似乎快要实现了,然而,有些路一旦开始走下去就无法再回头了……