搜索 Ummi

  • 故事发生在20世纪80年代的美国,美籍韩裔男子雅各布(史蒂文·元 Steven Yeun 饰)带着妻子莫妮卡(韩艺璃 饰)和两个孩子大卫(Alan S. Kim 饰)、安妮(Noel Cho 饰)一起从熟悉的西海岸搬到了偏僻而又陌生的阿肯色州。虽然对于丈夫的这一决定,莫妮卡的心中十分的反对,但她拗不过雅各布的坚决和顽固,只得被迫夫唱妇随。  蛮荒之地的生活…
  • A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
  • A nurse finds herself in a dark and mysterious world.
  • After awakening in a mental asylum a patient plans an escape to freedom but finds an even more disturbing supernatural world on the outside one that threatens to  keep him trapped in madness forever.
  • 最異想天開的黑人詐欺喜劇,一對兄弟檔走投無路到想打劫上帝!雅各是一位自以為是的行騙光棍,某日,他與食古不化的兄弟凱恩在黑幫追殺下,竟跑去破敗教堂尋求庇護。沒想到竟心生歹念,企圖行騙教士、詐取錢財,以湊足積欠黑幫的鉅款。此時,凱恩意外愛上美麗的教會秘書,計畫因此有變數,這場鬧劇會如何收尾呢?
  • With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that haunt us are dead.
  • 失去父亲后,3个曼男孩每年回到家庭小屋来纪念他,但是当他们与一个秘密的未婚夫一起走进他们的妈妈时,他们的旅行变成了一个疯狂的考验,看他是否有足够的曼加入这个家庭。
  •   莱西,一个社会分离的孤独者被诅咒与不朽和永无休止的单调的存在。在她试图控制她的强迫,她寻找人类必须提供最黑暗的灵魂。莱西现在必须面对自己的内心恶魔,同时找到她的下一餐。
  •   Harry Bosch终于得知母亲遇害案背后的真相,可怕的事实让他出离愤怒。在百孔千疮的司法系统中,他要如何寻求正义?如何保持自己的正直和诚实?本季Bosch将调查一名无家可归的退伍老兵的谋杀案、一个连环谋杀案嫌疑人的自杀案和一个好莱坞导演的高调谋杀审判。在此过程中,Bosch将面对各种各样冷血无情的对手,他们只有一个共同目标——彻底…
  • A journalist goes in search of the truth after a series of brutal deaths and disappearances lead back to an urban legend about a serial killing clown that has stalked the woods of Century Park for over a hundred years.