搜索 Tumen

  •   11岁的阿姆拉生长在牧民家庭,他非常喜欢唱歌,一心想参加电视台《蒙古达人秀》的比赛。他的父亲忙于和朋友一起反对矿业公司侵占草原,同时也默默支持着阿姆拉的梦想。当父亲因车祸突然离世后,阿姆拉的梦想被迫中断,前路漫漫,他该何去何从?影片用朴素、写实的镜头语言描述了大工业背景下蒙古游牧名族的生存和环境危机。绝美的蒙古风景背…
  • Amra is growing up in the Mongolian steppe between herds of goats and YouTube videos. His hopes and dreams revolve around someday performing onstage in Mongolia's Got Talent. However, the fight against the exploitation by gold mining companies and the campaign for a viable environment soon challenge the boy's eclectic …