搜索 Torres

  • The screenplay tells the story of the toxic relationship between two strong, independent women who are aware that they are alone in the world Beatriz, who has apparently achieved everything in life that she set out to do; and Sofía, who thinks she is ready to do whatever it takes to get the life she believes she deserv…
  • 青年男子海克特来到墨西哥城,希望度过两天的放纵周末。他与死党约好拍艺术裸照,结果却被死党放了鸽子。海克特独自鼓起勇气,辗转在不同的声色场所,对所有艳遇一概说Yes,在放浪形骸中迎来一波又一波的高潮...
  • 马提亚斯·布雷彻侦探受雇追踪最恶劣的南部联盟战犯。当他徘徊在旧西部寻求正义时,他的决心受到了考验,因为他遇到了一位意志坚定的先锋女性,她远比表面上要坚强。@yakubd.cc
  • “The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he falls in love with Sofia, his first victim, who’s just 14. To save her, his father demands he…
  •   每期会请名厨和蛋糕设计师评委带来精美蛋糕,再让几名普通人选手有样学样烘烤制作。每期最后的获胜者能赢得一万美元的奖金。
  •   败绩卓著的家庭烘焙师挑战大师级烘焙,争夺一万美元的奖金。这将是一场充满了厨房灾难的真人比赛秀。
  •   本剧集由妮可·拜尔和杰克斯·托里斯主持,败绩卓著的家庭面包师们尝试复制大师级烘焙作品,争夺一万美元的奖金。这将是一场充满了厨房灾难的真人比赛秀。
  • 在水果摊工作多年的墨西哥单亲妈妈胡安娜,拥有精湛的刀法和快速的调理速度,却一直无法发挥。被日本料理的精緻和执着所吸引,胡安娜决定辞职到一间日本料理店工作。就在她好不容易掌握技巧、想着大展身手时,却发现女的寿司师傅,同时还是个墨西哥人,是不被世界所认同的。
  • <p>  利兹(帕翠西娅·维拉奎兹 Patricia Velasquez 饰)是一个性格热情奔放的女孩,在当地的各大派对上总是能够看到她光芒四射的身影,相对的,她也从来都不流连于稳定的情感关系之中,喜欢辗转与不同的伴侣之间,四处留情。每一年,利兹都会前往加勒比海滩为自己举办盛大的生日派对,那一天,她将是众星捧月的女王。然而今天和往日有…
  •   This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for nearly 50 years.