- 在前四季中饰演威廉“公爵”威灵顿的斯图尔特·马丁将不会回归第五季。凯特·菲利普斯(曾出演《狼厅》、《王冠》)将回归饰演伊丽莎·斯卡雷特小姐,出演第五季的调查剧,该剧将更名为《斯嘉丽小姐》。
- Andrea had just turned fifteen when he decided to take his life. He seemed to be a happy teenager, with good grades at school and an excellent relationship with his parents. There seemed to be no explanation for what he did, until his mother accessed his Facebook profile and reconstructed the terrifying bullying and cy…
- 2024年4月1日当天,Sexy Zone成员佐藤胜利、菊池风磨、松岛聪宣布将团名改为timelesz,同时还透露他们将举办选秀活动招募新血。 消息一出,立刻掀起热烈讨论,不只是因为活跃演艺圈的人气男团竟从普罗大众海选新成员,更因为选秀活动吸引了多达 18922 名参加者。timelesz 现任团员亲自出任评审,挑选生力军,本节目记录选秀过程。 为什么…