搜索 Tha

  •   Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!” One day when his girlfriend broke up …
  • <p>  Reya(Ploy扮演)是佣人的女儿,因出身低贱一直被瞧不起,于是一心想要凭借美貌跻身上流社会。本想与大家族的小儿子Kiatkorn(New扮演)结婚,却在婚礼当天被抛弃,无家可归的她不得已回到泰国,寻找找新的可以满足她愿望的男人。<br/>  男人之一David (Aon扮演):<br/>  一个帅气的银行经理David…
  •   In World War II Washington DC, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with scientist Pat Jamieson and becomes his assistant. Struggles bring them closer together.
  •   What could the fate of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain’s crazy project in Brussels, which has gone through a long and eventful journey since its completion in 1934, possibly inspire? Katharina Kastner’s challenge was to draw the portrait…
  • 爱情,从来行动大于言语  威伦,一个出生在情人节的年轻人,却从来不知道爱情——甚至连他父母的爱都不知道。他遇到了一个对他表现出同情和温柔的人  Valen, a young man born on Valentine’s Day but has never known love - not even the love of his parents. And he meets someone who sh…
  •   你还记得《纪念册》里的朋友吗?这个系列将带你回到2000年初,以及Phob和Nut之间的深层联系。当他们两个答应一起追寻梦想的时候。不幸的是,有人没有遵守承诺,这导致了分歧。他们之间只剩下痛苦。最后,他们分开了。四年后,年鉴带来了一个朋友带着一些真相回来了。最终,他们的友谊、亲密 和梦想将再次回归,或者他们必须面对现实,并将一…
  • 这部独特的纪录长片由获奖野生动物电影制作公司 Silverback Films 和全球环境组织 WWF 共同制作,由一个比其他任何人都更了解自然界的人为我们讲述这个星球上的生命的故事。在 90 多年的时间里,爱登堡走访了地球上的每一块大陆,探索了这个星球上的荒野之地,记录了生物世界的多样性和奇妙之处。这部电影为未来几代人提供了面对地球上巨大挑战…
  • Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend his time stealing cars than sitting in the detention centre to which he is sent. His social worker, Harry Parker, tries to do his best, but Trevor is only interested when there's something that he can get out of it.…
  •   本片是來自波蘭的導演羅曼波蘭斯基的紀錄電影。本片以他的個人生活為聚焦所在,包括戰爭中的流亡經驗、妻兒的慘死和變成美國的通緝犯等戲劇性的人生大事件。