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  • 布斯(麦察蓉普拉 Mai Charoenpura 饰)经营着一家米粉摊,丈夫和年轻漂亮的打工女私奔了,留给布斯的除了年幼病重的女儿布尔外还有一大笔债务。布斯没有钱带女儿去看病,只能够买一些最基本的药物来维持女儿的生命,可即便如此,也花光了她几乎全部的积蓄。糟糕的财政状况之下布斯再也无法购买肉类来维系米粉摊的经营了。  这一天,布斯推着…
  • 马上步入青春期的虫虫朱尼尔(Junior)在努力让同龄人接纳自己,但因被虫妈妈过度溺爱而常常被同龄人欺负。一天,在努力讨好朋友们时,朱尼尔意外地被铲车带到了地面,由此开始了一场伟大的冒险之旅——不仅是为了成为英雄,而且是为了整个虫虫社会。为了回家和拯救虫族,朱尼尔必须首先学会拥有自尊、信任和结交真正朋友的能力。
  • 一位年轻的女医师苏珊菲勒,其好朋友因简单的手术而陷入昏迷状态;然而在她服务的医院中,也有许多类似的病人,在经过简单的手术后呈现昏迷, 这些病患被送至另一机构集中照顾,但是苏珊菲勒发现事情并不如她所想......
  • 一个孤独的流浪者来到一个小镇想展开他的复仇计划,结果遇到了一个比他原来打算更大的挑战。  影片的背景是一个超现实反乌托邦的社会,在那个社会,枪被禁止使用,而一剑封喉才是王道。朗·普尔曼饰演的尼古拉是整个大西直洋东部最有权势的人,他神秘莫测,是一个犯胜罪集团的头目,他制订的铁血规则,所有人都必须臣服。尼古拉的夫人亚利桑德…
  • A letter for Miss Marple from a recently deceased friend promises a large reward for investigating a crime - without telling her who was involved, or when it happened! When she accepts, she is given a reservation for a coach tour of historic homes and gardens. She has fifteen fellow-passengers - and one of them knows a…
  • A sensational, sentimental, and philosophical horror neo-noir that follows the still-at-large crimes of Noel, a repentant, classy and charming serial killer loose in the suburbs of New York.
  • 故事发生在美国墨西哥边界,警方调查一起儿童神秘死亡事件,居然发现与别西卜有关联,由此惊动了梵蒂冈,一场驱魔能够解决所以的问题吗?
  • All the alphas in the packs set aside their differences for some friendly competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of the yakubd.ccpack's star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of "underdogs"…
  • David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is…
  • 马切克是一个右翼组织的杀手,他奉命要杀死波兰的党组书记,可是在他居住的旅店,他邂逅了漂亮的女服务员,并且爱上了她,在这种炙热的爱情火焰让他开始怀疑自己任务的合理性。虽然他最终完成了自己的任务,但在逃跑过程中还是被警方击毙