- 风尘路上,一群牛仔策马追赶着一辆马车。电影放映员费斯特携带着一部手摇放映机给美国西部一个偏远小镇送去了电影。电影院的潜移默化能够在这混混沌沌的野蛮与愚昧的洪荒小镇带来文明吗?电影的悲欢里险象迭现,妙趣横生。
- 从2016年播出至今,“超级企鹅联盟”经过一步步探索升级,已从单一赛事升级为包含综艺节目和体育赛事的全新内容矩阵,为体娱跨界结合做出榜样性作用。在这一赛事IP下,以节目为主的《2020超级企鹅联盟Super3:星斗场》更多聚焦于展现明星球员们的训练营时刻,而专业性更强的“终极红蓝大战”,则进一步将明星球员们的球场魅力展现极致。“超…
- The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people. The economic devastation of the country had…