搜索 Stubbs

  • 深夜,邻家小狗威灵顿死在草坪上。我心疼地抱着它,却被主人误以为是凶手。我决定侦破这起谋杀案,并把探案的过程写成一本书……
  •   The true story of how love, fear, culture and belief lead a loving family to tragically kill one of their own during a four day exorcism ceremony.
  • 在不久后的2005年,一种名为“轮滑球(Rollerball)的新兴竞技运动以其超乎寻常的惊险、刺激吸引了大众的注意力,成为一大体育娱乐热点。每当赛季到来时,数以万计狂热的观众都会疯狂地为自己支持的队伍下注,然后守在电视前观看紧张的现场转播。然而,在这项运动的背后,却隐藏着黑暗残酷的内幕……
  • The true story of how love, fear, culture and belief lead a loving family to tragically kill one of their own during a four day exorcism ceremony.