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  • 玛丽亚是军事基地副司令官的妻子,她与儿子和丈夫一起住在吉尔吉斯斯坦的俄罗斯军事基地,焦急地等待着早日返乡。 她的生活枯燥无味,没有工作,丈夫不善言辞,与儿子的柔道教练之间的暧昧是她生活中唯一的救命稻草。不久,他们的私情迅速失控,致命且不可逆转地改变了玛丽亚及其家人的未来。电影以写实、生活化的手法拍摄一桩发生在异国他乡的…
  • 根据莎宾娜·库格勒自传《来自石器时代的女孩》改编  莎宾娜·库格勒五岁时,随着从事语言研究和传教的父亲,来到西巴布亚原始森林深处「失落的峡谷」中,一个至今还停留在石器时代、传说中的食人族部落。这个金发小姑娘对热带丛林一见钟情。她学习狩猎、攀爬,在鳄鱼出没的河里游泳。她会用弓箭射杀毒蜘蛛,不用火柴就能生火。她吃的是烤昆虫…
  • <p>  No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with a minimal budget.<br/>…
  •   Anne嫁给了小镇的牧师,三十年过去,她觉得她的生活和婚姻持续地缩小中。一次机缘之下,她与「大师」有了接触,她发掘了新的力量,想要活得比以往更大胆。Anne在全新的自己和过往的自己中不断拉扯,死亡数字增加,Jakob意识到他必须为了老婆而战。
  • <p>  Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the UK, where she lives. She therefore decides for assisted suicide. She must plan her journey to Switzerland before her rapidly advancing disease makes…
  • <p>  麦克(瑞凡•菲尼克斯)和斯考特(基努•里维斯)同为沦落街头的男妓,然而因为相差巨大的家庭背景,“同为天涯沦落人”的他们并非表面般“心照不宣”。<br/>  时常昏厥的麦克脑海中一直充满着有关童年的破碎片段,爱达荷的诗意田园也常常入他梦境,他一心想找回失散多年的母亲,将斯考特视为知己和爱人。斯考特本是波特兰…
  • <p>  June 1982, Sicily. While Italians dream of winning the World Cup, two adolescents dream of living their love story without fear.<br/>  Gianni 17, is bullied because of his homosexuality but his life changes when he meets …
  •   A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo nowadays and the real life stories that lie beneath the media coverage.
  •   Taya 的导演执导的一部令人心跳加速的性感惊悚片。 五名劫匪闯入一位女演员的房子,并与警察发生血腥冲突,两名劫匪活下来。 别无选择,他们躲在屋子里,发现一切仿佛都是计划好的。
  •   A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in th…