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  •   《飞逝的狮子》(Le Lion Volatil,阿涅斯-瓦尔达,2003年/12分钟/彩色。一部喜剧短片,故事发生在瓦尔达居住的巴黎十四区,情节围绕丹菲尔—罗什露广场上的一尊狮子雕像展开,这尊狮子雕像见证了从广场经过的人们的种种活动:相遇、相识……
  •   Aging down on her luck cabaret singer murders a respectable composer. On trial she slowly gives in and explains her crime. They had a complicated history.
  • Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too …
  • This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road wal…
  • A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to moxia.cc the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith…
  • 在南美洲人迹少至的热带雨林深处,经过六年的努力,生化学家罗勃肯贝尔博士,研发出一种癌症治疗法面临一项重大的医学突破。一位冷静的女性学者当可琳博士历经一段艰困的会面;这一对互相厌恶的伙伴终于产生了共同的尊重,而实际的爱苗也滋生于这片异国风情的热带雨林中……
  • 影片主人公是18岁的花季少女阿曼达·米查尔卡(AJ)。她是一名唱诗歌歌手,但她的才华远远超过了这座阿拉巴马州小镇上的小教堂。AJ的父亲约翰尼是教堂唱诗班的音乐导演,每个周六晚上父女俩一起上台表演。约翰尼·特里年轻时曾是一名摇滚歌星,20年前有首单曲登上了公告牌的冠军,但也只有这一首歌曲走红,演唱事业昙花一现。之后约翰尼加入了教会…
  •   1891年在布拉格,五个男孩在参观科学技术博览会时,无畏地登上了一个可以操控的飞船,开始在空中遨游。任何追捕的人都无法抓到他们。他们从欧洲一直飞到大洋洲。突然一阵台风完全摧毁了飞船,男孩们被冲到了一个无名的小岛……他们在那里像罗宾逊那样生活,并发现了传说的尼莫船长的洞穴,他们将遇到一群冒险家。
  • Due to some common interests between German and Russian aristocracy ( the Russians even had aristocrats in their past not to mention they had an Empress called Catherine the Great, as great as this German count's heiresses… ), it is not strange that this Teutonic count has understood and even enjoyed Herr S. M. Eisenst…
  • 幻想与现实界限模糊的未来世界,科技已经发展到远远超越时代的地步。电玩界女王爱丽拉·盖勒(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh饰)不仅美丽性感,更是一位设计尖端游戏的设计师。她所设计的虚拟实境系统“X接触”可以直接干扰玩家的神经系统。在试玩大会上,各方玩家齐聚一堂,体验爱丽拉的最新杰作。然而一群狂热者企图刺杀爱丽拉,危急…