- Recently-paroled thief, Jon Price, is forced to return to his small, rainy hometown of Fall City, Washington at Christmastime. Jon unexpectedly begins to find joy as he meets and grows closer to a struggling single mother who shows him true kindness, and he begins filling the role of a father for her young daughter.
- 手段无情冷酷的正义使者惩罚者卡斯尔(布莱恩·布鲁姆 Brian Bloom 配音)在追查军火贩子该隐(Kyle Hebert 配音)时遇到了黑寡妇(詹妮弗·卡朋特 Jennifer Carpenter 配音)和神盾局指挥官弗瑞(John Eric Bentley 配音)。神盾局志在防止他们所开发的尖端武器技术被利维坦等恐组织获取,因此急需沿着该隐这条线找到失窃的技术资料。崇尚个人…
- 本剧是全美当红的喜剧动画影集,不但是艾美奖常胜军,更曾获青少年票选为最爱影集,配合时事冷嘲热讽、腥羶色百无禁忌的动画风格,成为最受欢迎的热门影集。盖酷家庭由葛瑞芬一家六个怪咖组成,爸爸彼特是无所事事又自以为是的肥佬,妈妈洛伊丝在贤慧的外表下有著一颗荡妇的心,姐姐梅姬是全校最不受欢迎的怪胎,哥哥克利斯是个脑残的乖孩子,而…
- Film is set in one winter night in Delhi where a middle class, Delhi university guy falls in love with a girl anchoring a fashion show. In process of wooing her someone plants a sting operation tape in his pocket. This sting operation has a minister talking of buying and selling MLAs and media heads from his Swiss bank…
- 人造人沙鲁战役过后,地球终于迎来了宝贵的和平,而骗子撒旦作为拯救了世界的英雄受到全人类的爱戴。世界首富钱多多为了给宝贝儿子庆生,出巨资举行了新一届的天下第一比武大会,成功晋级的选手有望和钱多多请来的四名所谓的外星人对决,最终获胜者还可以得到挑战撒旦的殊荣。此外,胜利者将得到一亿元奖金和环游世界的机会。超高的荣誉和报酬,…