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  •   A nurse who suffers from lack of intimacy with her husband is assigned to work at an island called Isla Bato, where men treat women with lust. As she experiences the people's madness, she plans a way to get out of the island.
  • 传奇影业新片改编自一篇Vice刊登的故事。故事开头是吉米鸡毛在节目上问观众:谁想看真的鬼?然后他介绍了Ernest——一个幽灵,被一个叫弗兰克人在自己家中发现,弗兰克拍了很多关于这个幽灵的视频发到社交网络,并给它起名Ernest,因为觉得它长得有点像演员Ernest Borgnine。这个无害的幽灵因此红遍全球。
  •   面临过气危机的舞台名伶,因为极度的不安全感,在排戏过程中惹恼所有工作人员,难搞至极。然而当一名忠实戏迷意外丧生,让她的生活陷入更夸张的混乱,首演当晚,她终于在揭幕前酩酊大醉、彻底崩溃…。卡萨维蒂与吉娜罗兰在片中饰演对戏的演员,两人台前幕后的亲密关系,使得演出层次更加迷离暧昧,堪称表演魅力满载的经典之作。
  •   泰莉(乔伊丝海瑟 饰),18岁,人见人爱,她是学校中最受欢迎的女孩子。一心想当新闻记者的泰莉,在一次新闻采访竞赛中,写了一篇“一个自认为男性运动员的女人”的报导,却惨遭评审退回。泰莉认为,一定是她的女性身份造成老师们的偏见,于是她决定剪短头发、换上男装、压低声音,以男生的身份进入一所男校就读!进入男校后,泰莉差点在更…
  • 亚马逊预订13集限定剧《黛西与乐队》(Daisy Jones & The Six,暂译)。亚马逊与瑞茜·威瑟斯彭的公司Hello Sunshine联合制作,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭出任监制,[灾难艺术家]两编剧斯科特·纽斯塔德、迈克尔·H·韦伯操刀剧本。该剧改编自泰勒·詹金斯·雷德的同名小说,故事围绕上世纪70年代一个虚构的摇滚乐团展开。
  • <p>  《黑神锅传奇》The Black Cauldron (Disney Gold Classic Collection) (1985)是迪斯尼经典动画里最另类的一部作品。剧情叙述一位名叫塔兰(Taran)的少年,为了维护家乡和平,而与魔王The Horned King对抗,阻止其利用黑神锅的魔力危害世人。本片也是迪士尼动画第一次利用计算机来辅助拍摄,不过只有短短几个画面而已。<br…
  •   When eight strangers wake up in a mansion guarded by an elderly woman with a hunched back (Nenek), they soon realise that they chuguifang.com are being held hostage, not only in the mansion and its surrounding forest, but in an entirely …
  •   A group of superstar influencers are drawn to a reclusive billionaire's mansion only to find themselves trapped in the lair of an evil vampire. The only way out is to be saved by a famous online gamer and an old school vampire hunter.
  •   Catherine Bomarzini (Sherilyn Fenn), travels back to her family castle in Italy after her father's death. Overwhelmed with excitement, Catherine invites her best friend Gina (Charlie Spradling) to spend the weekend. Gina and Catherine di…