搜索 Shé

  •   A captivating mystery thriller set in the hills of north India.
  • 福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托基金成功搜寻到著名探险家沙克尔顿的坚忍号沉船,该船于1915年在南极洲附近沉没。沙克尔顿和27名船员在前往南乔治亚岛寻求帮助的路途中奇迹般地全部生还。
  • 影片讲述了凯茜在丈夫去世两年后,神奇地让一个英俊的雪人复活的故事。雪人天真无邪,让凯茜重新欢笑、重新感受和爱,两人在节日来临之际坠入爱河……而雪人还没有融化。
  •   Unlike most people, Melody cannot walk or talk, but she is smarter than most of the adults who try to diagnose her. Her classmates dismiss her as mentally challenged but Melody refuses to be defined by cerebral palsy.
  • 一对年轻情侣前往西北部山区露营,当他们意识到周围并非只有他们自己时,事情开始急转直下。
  • 美國假釋犯(保羅沃克飾)來到南非約翰尼斯堡,希望與前妻重修舊好。預先租好的車子原本應該在機場等他,但租車公司卻給了他不同的車。不知情的他決定不跟租車公司計較,上了車之後,一連串不可思議的事件接二連三發生…。車上的一支神秘手機、一通神秘簡訊、一把手槍、後車廂一個被綑綁的陌生女子,引發全市警察的窮追不捨,讓他陷入前所未有的危…
  • <p>After newlywed Jocelyn learns that her husband Jody (Michael Welch, Twilight franchise) had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by gunman Billy Tyson, who safeguards her at a remote outpost as he staves off Jody's attempts to reclaim his bride.by:nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2…
  • Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal trag…
  • 来自英国的麦特(Gyton Grantley 饰)带着女友苏西(Adrienne Pickering 饰)以及居住在悉尼的妹妹凯特(Zoe Naylor 饰)来到澳大利亚某个港口小镇游玩,麦特的朋友卢克(Damian Walshe-Howling 饰)热情接待了他们。而在面对前女友凯特时,他的心中涌起别样的涟漪。阳光明媚,碧海蓝天,莫要辜负这个天堂一般的胜地和假期,他们租用水手沃伦(…
  • 维吉妮雅是小红帽的后代,他们的家族企业主要在猎捕狼人。未婚夫对于她的职业感到万分可疑,直到有天连他也被狼人咬伤,眼看就要加入狼人一族了……