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  • 坎特拉高中这次将与死对头-水晶预备高校(Crystal Prep Academy)进行一场学校间的‘友谊竞赛’,但Sunset Shimmer与朋友们却发现人类世界的Twilight Sparkle竟是水晶预备高校的学生,过去熟悉的同伴,这一次成了竞争对手,而且她们发现,Twilight Sparkle身上似乎有个天大的秘密......
  • 故事将衔接TV版第三季结局紫悦(Twilight Sparkle)进化为天角兽(Alicorn)加冕成新公主之后的生活,此时水晶帝国的珍贵王冠被偷窃;为了寻回王冠,紫悦公主将接下重责大任,独自前往另一个平行世界;在那里,紫悦将发现平行世界中的穗龙(Spike)变成了一只狗,而自己则变成了有双手也能双腿站立的人类!身分将改为少女高中生,并重新相遇化身为人类…
  • 大灰(JB·布兰科 JB Blanc 配音)是一只狼,英俊自负,梦想当上狼群的统领。老吉是大灰的强劲对手,与大灰竞争狼王的位置,他们决定比武一决胜负。就在比武的前夜,大灰不小心中了魔法,变身成一只羊。他不得不离开狼群,与羊群居住在一起。老吉趁老狼王不备,将其推下山崖夺得狼王之位。  一只小羊偷跑到北方草场被狼群捉住,大灰将其救出。…
  • Mavka - a beautiful forest nymph and soul of the Forest - faces an impossible choice between love and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest, when she falls in love with a human - the talented young musician Lukash. Our story is about the magical power of love. That kind of love that enables human nature to fi…
  • From living a normal life to surviving homelessness in the city of Miami, Peter is a victim of the turbulent US recession during late 2000's. A drama based on true events. A heartbreaking chronicle witnessing a drastic character transformation when he is exposed to the harsh cruelties the streets reveal.
  • 尼克·罗宾森、杰森·克拉克将主演犯罪题材新片[丝绸之路](Silk Road,暂译)。本片由蒂勒·罗素([耻归故里])执导,根据大卫·库什纳发表在《滚石》杂志的文章《丝绸之路的僵局》(Dead End on Silk Road)改编。文章讲述黑客、毒贩罗斯·乌布里希特经营着一个庞大的网上黑市。本片将聚焦乌布里希特以及决心搞垮这个年轻主脑价值10亿美元帝国的缉…
  • Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jai…
  • 父母要离婚,但他们为了各自的工作,采取各种方法让孩子厌恶自己。在这种对抗过程中,一家人又渐渐找回了在一起的温馨与感动。
  • 故事发生在一所虚构的常春藤名校里,黑人女孩泰莎·汤普森饰演的电影系学生山姆·怀特正在排演一出广播剧,他想要与白人学生共同探讨一些种族问题。同时,梅西(泰勒·詹姆斯·威廉姆斯饰演)在为学校里寻找一片安静之所而困扰,不仅仅因为他是黑人,还因为他的同性恋身份,简直是少数派中的少数派。  其他的黑人小伙伴们也面临着各式各样的困…
  • The two best friends Karsten and Petra goes on a cabin holiday for skiing fun. Tough guy Petter is a good skier, and Karsten thinks Petra likes him more. Maybe he can prove himself if he competes in a ski jumping competition