搜索 Salih

  • 安妮塔(Adriana Matoshi 饰)和贝金(Alban Ukaj 饰)是一对相恋多年的恋人,早年间,安妮塔的双亲在科索沃战争之中失踪了,直到今日,安妮塔依然没有放弃过寻找他们的希望。随着婚礼的临近,安妮塔和贝金感到需要应付的麻烦好像越来越多了,尤其是贝金家人的强势插足,让这对情侣紧张的神经绷紧到了极致。  一天,贝金的前男友诺尔(Gen…
  • It’s never too late to make a change in your life. Attilio, Giorgetto, and the “Professore,” three retired men from Rome, are tired of their daily struggle; they dream of escaping to someplace exotic. They begin to save up the necessary m…
  •   本剧改编自真人实事,讲述两名女子勇闯 1980 年代的科威特股市,在这个男人狼狈为奸的激烈厮杀之地掀起阵阵波澜。
  • 圣奥马尔法院,年轻的小说家拉玛出席了对劳伦斯·科利的审判。劳伦斯被指控谋杀自己15个月大的女儿,把她遗弃在法国北部海滩上任由潮水上涨而死亡。随着审判的进行,被告的自白和证人的证词动摇了拉玛最初的判断,与此同时,屏幕前的观者们也开始反思自己的评断。
  •   著名的裁缝师开始为挚友的未婚妻缝制婚纱,然而三人的黑暗秘密很快就将颠覆所有人的生活。
  • This documentary delves into the unanswered questions surrounding the trial of Jessica Wongso years after the death of her best friend, Mirna Salihin.
  •   Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this…
  •   A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidence or a matter of death and life rather a malignant black magic has been hatched to hunt t…
  •   Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension.…