FBI的头号通缉犯封残(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰)忍狡猾,FBI想尽办法都无法将其缉拿归案。封有一个特殊的爱好,那就是他举办的地下乒乓球赛,这种比赛的特殊之处就在于参赛双方赛前要签订“生死状”。为了早日捉拿峰归案,FBI找到了前职业乒乓球手兰迪(丹·福勒 Dan Fogler 饰),希望他能作为卧底参赛。兰迪已经有20年没有…
A stunning nightclub singer engages in a battle of wits and deception with two lovers in a bid to escape a rapidly collapsing city under siege. Super cool style and razor sharp action drive this rich, noir thriller
<p> 一场世界性的扑克牌比赛正在人人趋之若鹜的拉斯维加斯轰轰烈烈的举行着,每天,无数的扑克牌高手从世界各地赶到此处,为的就是能在这样的权威性赛事里一决高下。在诸多的选手中,一个名叫哈克(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)的年轻人颇为显眼。在比赛中,哈克不仅屡屡创下佳绩,更是光明正大的将目光投向了冠军的宝座。<br…
Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world.
心里阴暗的哈里队长深夜潜入局长办公室,找到了拉萨雷校长年届退休的证据,哈里志满意得,认为这是顶替拉萨雷的绝好机会。另一方面,校长又送走了一批毕业生,在典礼上,官方宣布了拉萨雷即将退休的消息,而一生兢兢业业的校长也得到了在迈阿密颁发的十年来最佳警官的荣誉。拉萨雷校长携高塔(Bubba Smith 饰)、卡伦、泰克布雷、琼斯(Mi…
Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent trage…