搜索 Roman

  • 《叽里咕和男人女人们》是继《叽里咕和女巫》和《叽里咕和野兽》后的第三部叽里咕噜系列电影动画片。延续了前两部的风格,此部电影还是由叽里咕爷爷的叙述作为串联,讲述了在村庄还处于被女巫卡拉巴的恐怖统治时五个关于叽里咕,村民和村庄过路人的小故事。
  • 一块黑板前,小米和大米面对镜头,发誓要为所有遭受人类追杀和不公平待遇的老鼠同胞讨回一个公道。从他们的口中,我们得知老鼠是印度教之身格涅沙的坐骑,在罗马帝国的历史中黑白老鼠又分别代表着凶和吉两种征兆。1347年黑老鼠随撤退的十字军来到欧洲,其身上携带的跳蚤引发了灭亡欧洲1 /3人口的黑死病。此外还有命名来自中国栖身丹麦却被称作“…
  • 根据乌克兰同名小说改编。少年维塔亚被吸入了1000年前的天门,要返回现世,必须获取佩龙之心,召唤神的力量,但是佩龙之心却被万恶的库曼族抢走。他们招出了石头巨人,欲统治世界……
  • yle=color: rgb(68, 68, 68); f>善良的埃德娜和丈夫拉里过着朴素的渔民生活,以打捞贻贝为生,某天,埃德娜发现了昏迷的可怜女人艾米,将她收留在自己家中,然而让埃德拉始料不及的是,自己的善意最终会酿成一场欲望驱使下的悲剧...
  • For some reason, forever young and always immaculately dressed, Koschey has been unable to find a bride for three hundred years. He intimidated, and kidnapped, and turned various princesses into frogs, but these courtship did not help the prince of darkness. Meanwhile, the beautiful hero Varvara only does what she figh…
  • 为了刁难自己的父亲,一个年轻女子进入了修道院,但是以前的男朋友突然出现,试图赢回她的芳心…
  • yle=text-wrap: wrap; >yle=color: rgb(232, 234, 237); f>牧师的情妇和送货员开始了一段场风流韵事, 当他们的秘密被揭露时,所有人都必将承受各自的后果...
  • Ukrainian surgeon Serhiy is captured by the Russian military forces in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine and while in captivity, he is exposed to horrifying scenes of humiliation, violence and indifference towards human life. After his release, he returns to his comfortable middle-class apartment and tries to find a…
  • Alonso is a skater who goes across Spain with the skate as his only means of transport. The road will force him to cross with characters that will change his life and they will discover the reason why Alonso does this curious and strange trip.
  • Tyler Bennett(Anthony E. Williams 饰)是一个经验丰富的社会工作者。他的职业生涯一直是在用自己的理论知识和个人情感来帮助别人。直到有一天因为一些事改变了,他现在即使到了夜晚也不能像以前那样安然入睡。在他现在的生活中,他探求着生活的意义。他开始不断的去帮助Blaine Hughes(Garland Gunn 饰)——一个15岁的男孩,他…