- <p> 深夜三时正,睡梦中的小朋友被一阵笛声吸引,起来走到屋外,边唱著"三时之妖精",边循笛声来到飞船上,待船上载满小朋友后,吹笛的妖精便把飞船驶向天上。<br/> 一日,内部战士们聚集在真琴家中,学弄曲奇饼。三时了,真琴家中的报时钟响起,一只小鸟弹出叫了三下,真琴於是对众人说起三时之妖精的故事。<…
- <p> 某日,一块神奇的结晶体现身地球,被科学家宇宙翔拾得。与此同时,露娜和亚特密斯大吵了一架之后离家出走,却因病体力不支昏倒在了路上,宇宙翔将虚弱的露娜带回了家,精心照料,露娜渐渐恢复了活力。<br/> 让大家没有想到的是,那块神秘结晶体的本尊,竟然是想要侵略地球的月亮雪公主,现出真身之后,月亮雪公主即刻召集…
- We are in the year 2001, a temporary ceasefire brings a much-needed break to a small war-torn village in Northern Nepal, bringing much joy among the residents. Prakash and Kiran, two young close friends, are also starting to feel the change in the air. Though they are divided by caste and social creed, they remain inse…