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  • 当一个神秘的独来独往和空手道高手贤治的妹妹那张在洛杉矶失踪,谁就站在他发现她将面临致命的空手道愤怒杀方式!
  • Two roommates' lives begin to unravel after moving into a mysterious apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
  • Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old flame, who also works for the same law firm. Erica decides to act and one night after a torrid sex session Larry drifts off …
  • Bela Joven 常常会梦见自己被她的司机和男仆强奸,这种幻觉日益增俱。她决定求助于一名心理医生的帮助,可是面对这位病人,医生却有一种无法摆脱的莫名的感情...
  • A carnal and intimate Film about a group of Berliners who are looking for new ways of Living, while playing with infamous Fantasies, Pain and Sexuality in a sunny and very experimental huge living room.  Paola Calvo 导演在本片中用全新的手法展现了 BDSM 的世界,并携手舞蹈设计指导 Felix Ruckert 以及文化推广者 Mara Morgen 一同沉浸入这个「欲望的迷宫」,让其片中的人物自有发展,不加抑制。既不会…
  • 每个女人都幻想成为一名美妙浪漫的万人迷并拥有性与爱的滋润,丝袜裹腿的迷离性感,舍去一切纷扰的优雅,纵身为之而努力以图华丽变身,但事与愿并非能够如影随形,“愉悦与苦痛”才是一对真正的鸳鸯??事业成功美貌如花的珠宝设计师维多利亚相遇富商杰克并之后与之结为夫妇,婚后她却发现杰克是一名纵情声色的人,她试图逃之夭夭??
  • 取材于漫画,一个女孩为了生存在涩谷出卖她的身体。  在过去的两个星期后离家出走,在街上幸存下来由香已在涩谷靠卖她的身体。她认为所有的人都是白痴,从自己的经验和他们作为一个暴力的中年男子,和她工作的兼职强迫她与他发生关系,以换取租金的店铺经理等。她可以信任的唯一的人是她最好的朋友,左恭。有一天,她和另外一个女孩,Maika,…
  • 本片讲述了Emmanuelle和老公在香港游历的故事,领略了一番东方风情画,在炎热的香港一个飞行员和法国小女孩逐步步入了他们生活……
  • When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.
  • Having taken control of a maximum security prison, a criminal mastermind faces off against a retired Black Ops agent who had been visiting his incarcerated son.