搜索 Rio

  •   It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, American capitalism against Japanese traditio…
  • 当上帝为你关上一扇门时,往往他会为你打开另一扇。意大利男孩米克(LucaCapriotti饰)虽然出身在穷乡僻壤,但他从小就梦想成一流的电影大师,只因他是那么的热爱电影。然而上帝跟他开了一个最残酷的玩笑,米克玩弄一支来复枪时不幸走火,从此他只能淹没在巨大的黑暗当中。这一度令米克感到沮丧万分,仿佛活着已没有了动力。然而盲校的唐老师的…
  •   改编自同名小说与真实故事,萨波最好的朋友自杀了,16岁的他,开始在部落格写下日记,描述他的青春期生活、性启蒙与双性恋身分。看似普通少年的人生,在一场场的舞会与音乐派对中,流泻自我探索与身分质疑,让人感同身受,原来每个男孩都有一段忧郁迷人的「我的青春」。
  • <p>  Luis, 18, sees only one way to be able to provide for himself and his mother: training at Mexico’s national military academy. The rigid system of violence that is designed to turn him into the perfect soldier pushes him to his …
  • <p>  With her friends Walid and Bilel, Yassmin, a journalism student, tries to solve a mysterious criminal case dating back more than 25 years, when a woman was found mutilated and almost dead in the middle of nowhere. Following thei…
  •   A movie that follows a young, black attorney who has spent years offering live, online sex performances to pay for law school and “endeavours to construct dialogues between different identities, without this leading to the annulment of …
  • 《可卡因教母格丽塞尔达》的灵感来源于哥伦比亚女商人格丽塞尔达·布兰科的事迹,布兰科是一位尽职的母亲,她精明世故、野心勃勃,缔造了历史上最赚钱的贩毒集团之一。她将意想不到的野蛮和魅力进行致命结合,在事业和家庭之间游刃有余,成为了著名的“教母”。
  •   Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world.
  • In rural Southern Spain Antonia, a fifteen-year-old mother, disappears in the middle of the night. 50 years later and much further North, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for people to share their experiences when arriving in a new city. In her search, she meets Antonia, whose impulsiveness intrudes …
  •   Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at sev…