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  • 这是一部意在探讨释放囚犯心理的动作文艺片,一名刚出狱的囚犯,他回到地处密西西比河的故乡探望心爱的女儿;不料遇上了一个对他充满敌意和歧视的巡警对他百般为难,这一极不友好的言行使得他这一趟密西西比之行变得十分困惑和艰难.该片故事情节发展衔接较为顺畅,加上汤米.李.琼斯和马莎.普林顿的卖力表现,其可欣赏性大为增强.
  • A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, bringing his fears and anxieties with him.
  • 退役前,邦·汉姆(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名特种兵训练教官,凭借着自己出色的身手和丰富的野外生存经验,邦·汉姆训练出了一支战斗力和破坏力的极其强大的特种精英部队。城市周边发生的几起谋杀案让居民们陷入了恐慌,负责该案件的女探员艾比(康妮·尼尔森 Connie Nielsen 饰)找到了早已远离江湖的邦·汉姆,希望他能够协…
  • 男孩Dominik看到一个美国犯罪的老板谋杀了他的父亲,一名警察反腐败在保加利bbb。多年后,他试图为父亲的死报仇,但因谋杀未遂被判入狱15年。在监狱里,他遇到了一位美国摄影记者,他与敌人分享他的复仇思想。两人从监狱里计划了一个阴谋。
  • To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into modern day America. When Merlin comes back ten years later to retrieve him, he finds a hip 15 year-old Arthur who does not believe Merlin, nor does he want to return to the past. Merlin must convince Arthur of his…
  • 一天晚上,女博士卡特琳娜在家中遭到一伙蒙面歹徒的袭击,当她侥幸逃脱后,发现丈夫和孩子已经遇害。卡特琳娜从事人类细胞克隆技术的研究,反对把这项研究用于商业目的。她的态度惹恼了一些想进行非法交易的大公司,他们私下里勾结宗教界怀有野心的人,试图利用克隆技术的成果使基督教耶稣复活。卡特琳娜发现了他们的阴谋,勇敢地同他们进行斗争…
  • 戴维本是个有着幸福生活的年轻父亲:一个他深爱的妻子,两个可爱的孩子,还有一群经常相伴出游的死党。然而,在一次与家人和朋友的度假之后,一切都变了......在度假期间,发生了一起谋杀案,而戴维据被警方列为高度怀疑对象。然而,随着调查的深入,戴维的秘密被一个一个的揭穿......并不明朗的案情,朋友们的疏离,同事们都把他当杀人犯小心提…
  • Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a car accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.
  • Gwyneth Hayden has it all. A top-notch career, killer wardrobe, dream apartment, and great friends - she thinks the only thing missing is a man. In a moment of inspired desperation, she fills out a profile on the dating website ChristianMingle.com hoping to find Mr. Right. However, Gwyneth's Christianity is a little ru…