- 妻夫木聪饰演的波佐间永介白天是糕点师,实际是带领一支拥有过人手术技术但费用高昂的地下医疗团队的队长ace,为被放弃的患者进行手术。藤原龙也饰演他的搭档,被称为joker的国际律师山田让,负责与患者进行交涉。松下奈绪饰演技术一流的手术护士依田沙姫,日向亘饰演天才黑客白濑刚人。
- yle=f> 距離《中年好聲音2》正式啟動尚餘一個星期,「100強」選手已經準備就緒,還於早前齊集記者會跟大家見面。《中年好聲音2 Ready!Go!》會追蹤記者會的幕後情況,發掘選手們的趣味互動。重量級評審陳慧嫻、《中年好聲音》畢業生現身記者會,為參賽者打氣!除了一班本地選手,也有不少海外唱將來港參賽,歌唱實力同樣令人期待。此外,前…
- Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at t…