搜索 Raja

  • 不祥的占星運勢顯示出惡兆,他與未來的妻子不會有好下場,但這名認真的單身漢無所不用其極,矢志要得到他夢寐以求的家庭。
  • 印度演员苏地尔曾有过一段充实的职业生涯,尽管他出演的大多都是配角或反派。退休后,苏地尔回顾自己的电影历程,发现自己已经参演了四百九十九部电影,还差一部就能凑整。六十三岁的他不顾女儿的阻拦,决意放弃退休生活,重振旗鼓,回归演艺圈,出演一个令人难忘的角色。这一挑战谈何容易,但苏地尔认为值得一试。他想让这部最后的影片成为其第…
  • Follows the life of a youngster from college to his marriage.
  •   Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.
  • 一位不忠的新婚妻子、一位分居的父亲、一位牧师和一位愤怒的儿子突然发现自己陷入了最意想不到的困境,每个人都准备在一个决定命运的日子里经历自己的命运。
  • Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape for…
  •   在美国的Mid America Novelties公司专卖各种美国时髦搞怪小玩意儿,在美国这种小玩意儿因为文化而非常流行,而当你向地球的另一边的人民解释这些东西时就没有那么好玩了。Todd Donovan将由面对的情况便是如此,当他的公司送他到印度去掌管客服部门时,他的主要工作就变成了让下属们了解美国文化。
  • 65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a…
  •   沙迪(Allu arjun)一直在向谋杀他爱人deepthi(kajal Agarwal)的那群人复仇,但当有一天他从昏迷中苏醒的时候,他却发现,他的脸因为面部烧伤已经为被换成了别人的脸。而通过帮助他复仇的shruti(Amy Jackson),他想知道,还有一个帮派正在追杀着拥有现在这个未知的脸的他。是谁把现在的这张脸给了他?为什么有一个帮派在追寻他的这张脸…
  • 一名年輕浪子開始全力追求新鄰居的女兒,他原本的生活因此跟著翻天覆地。