搜索 Raes

  • 在19世纪中叶传统的贸易小镇波尔图,自傲的富家公子奥古斯托是作家卡米洛的朋友,他爱上了英国军官的小女儿范妮。面对周遭阻挠和几场分分合合之后,他们终于得以结婚。但婚后,奥古斯托因范妮与卡米洛通信而冷落范妮。之后,范妮因肺结核病倒,在压抑孤独的婚后生活中走向死亡。奥古斯托因命运的磨难,很快就跟随了芬妮的步伐。本片是奥利维拉登…
  •   A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of An…
  •   Watch as a cast of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts create the largest Vermeer exhibition ever set to be mounted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This fascinating documentary is a unique opportunity to discover what goes on behind the sce…
  • 在一片神秘的土地上,有另一个世界,那里的人类在神灵和暗灵的交战中勉强生存。一次,身为人类的瓦育被师傅指派讨伐暗灵,瓦育跟随暗灵来到仙灵村——与世无争的神灵们久居于此。在此,他遇到仙女桑当,二人日久生情,生下半人半神的布莱,没想到却引起了一场大战。瓦育和桑当在此战中失去了生命,临死前,桑当将自己的儿子布莱托付给娜迦王,布…